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Step Into Your Best Life

Patrick Laforet, a well-known Canadian franchise expert and author, recently quoted an excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

Working with a certified franchise consultant (CFC) gives one the confidence they often need to take the first step to business ownership. CFCs are certified in teaching and coaching their candidates through the sometimes lengthy process of franchising. And ...

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Certified franchise consultants (CFCs) are specifically trained in uncovering the mindset in people to determine the probability of success in franchising. Often, people have a pre-determined set of ideas or thoughts on specific franchise industries which may or may not be true.

There are hundreds of categories and sub-categories in franchising, but most people are only familiar with a few. In addition, there are home-based, brick-and-mortar, employees, no-employees, low-investment, ...

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You Are Your Best Investment

Barbara Corcoran, serial entrepreneur and host of Shark Tank USA stated, "The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself."

Yes, Barbara, you are so right! Your greatest asset is YOU. As a certified franchise consultant (CFC) I can help people realize that if they want to change their situation, they have to start with themselves.

CFCs are specifically trained to help you uncover your hidden talents and help you determine what franchise brand could be ...

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Finding Your Direction

With so many franchise options - from absentee, semi-absentee, home-based, brick-and-mortar, employees, no employees, and more; as a certified franchise consultant (CFC) I help people navigate their way through the journey of business ownership through franchising. My services as a CFC are free (I am paid a fee from the franchisor), and I help you avoid mistakes that could have lifelong consequences.

As a CFC I am the compass that helps you stay ahead of the curve when considering ...

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